Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Green Day

Green Day? Did you recycle? Did you do some gardening? Isn’t it winter in Minnesota? 

Green Day!! We learned about the color green! Camden is three years old and his brain is constantly expanding. I try to do fun themed days every so often to help us focus on one subject to learn about! This week we chose the color green. We ate green food, made up games using the color green, pointed out everything that is green, named our animals green names, colored green monsters and did a fun craft dot painting Christmas trees. 

Camden absolutely loved Green Day! 

Camden asked for waffles for breakfast. We used Krusteas
Buttermilk pancakes and waffle mix. I let Camden add in the green food coloring and mix it up! He added some sprinkles to his waffle too! Lunch he asked for Mac and Cheese, so we had Mac and cheese and GREEN beans! 

For dinner Camden asked for yet again Mac and cheese. Lol. Toddler life, right!? But you bet I added some more green! Green gold fish! 

For snacks we had green crackers, celery and peanut butter, green beans and broccoli.

Both Camden and I learned so much on Green Day, did you know that there are 8 green dinosaurs in Cam’s room? Christmas trees aren’t green - they are dark dark green. Green sand is the coolest toy there ever was, and green beans have “baby green beans” inside of them. For the craft I cut out trees from green paper and we glued them on blue paper (which was the sky). We then glued cotton balls down to be the snow that the trees live in, toddlers are so creative! Using cotton swabs we mixed glue and food coloring to create paint and dotted the trees to make ornaments! This was such a fun and easy craft. We talked about the trees being shaped like triangles, ornaments are circles and snow is white and fluffy just like the cotton balls! 

What theme should we do next? If you have a theme day, tell me in the comment below what you do! 

— The Olson Family! 

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